Friday, July 10, 2009

Dear Slim (Eminem) pt2

Hey peoples, this is a song titled "Dear Slim Part 2" by a christian rapper KJ-52. *gasp! christian rap!* xD Wells, I guess I'll give a little bit of context... KJ-52 wrote a song "Dear Slim" first, which is basically a letter in song to his mainstream caucasian-rapper-counterpart Eminem. This is a follow-up to the first song he wrote.

Haha, I understand that this kind of music is kind of..different for most of us x]. If you can't help but wince at the music, you can mute it and look at the lyrics =].

I listened to this song a while back, and there are just parts in it that still hits me hard. I'll say this, I've never listened to any of Eminem's songs, just that I know he does have a wide audience. When I look at this song from its speaker's perspective, "another cat trying to make it", it really hits me that KJ-52 really cares about Eminem's salvation. Have I ever cared for anybody like this, whom I know doesn't know God? KJ-52's focus here is on praying that Eminem will finally realize God's love. "A life without Christ is a life that is never fixed..."

For us Christians, I think it is true sometimes that, for these people we "hate on" (or possibly idolize, or couldn't care less about), we are completely passive about whether they know God or not. How many of us pray for...Britney Spears? Michael Jackson? Jay Leno? Slipknot? our President? our boss? our teachers? then, how many of us actually CARE whether or not they'll find out what God's amazing love really is? I'm praying that we'd seek the compassion for these people God loves so much.

Always, Always

Message from the band

"Always" ~Building 429

I hope this encourages you, guys.
Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."