Monday, August 2, 2010

Somehow we're heard...

"When Our Hearts Sing" ~Rush of Fools

Ta-da, here's another old song that I heard a long time ago! I never knew the lyrics to this song, but I was still captured by what few words I could catch: You are infinite worth...we are, here on the earth, and somehow we're heard, when our hearts sing to You! And now, looking at the verses, this song just reinforces itself in its message, of how TINY we are in comparison to our AMAZING God, and yet He still hears our praises!

I have a feeling most of us have at one point or another felt that the songs that we sing, whatever we bring to such a God, is not enough to capture how deeply we love Him, and how much we want to praise Him. Our songs don't feel enough sometimes, and even the tiny acts of service for Him don't seem adequate. Such a King of infinite worth deserves SO much more than we can give.. but, and just another reason to praise Him, He hears our weak hearts and loves our praises. *sighs*. Thank God. =].

1 comment:

michelle said...

I remember this song! =] I agree that it is a really good song. Thanks for sharing, Tim!