Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Many Kings

I know I've shared this song for most of you who still read this blog, but I thought that I might as well put it on the blog itself. PLus the band is really cool, with one guy singing crazy high and the other singing really low.. *thumbs up*.

A little while ago, I became very compelled by the stories of the astronomers from Persia. These people, after studying for years and years the constellations of stars and such, have finally discovered where the Messiah from the Scriptures would appear. Furthermore, it would happen within their lifetime! So leaving their own home, they take this long journey to seek out the Messiah they've been waiting for for so long... to find that the way God would present the Savior is in the weakest form, a baby. But despite the irrationale that this humble baby would be the one to save Israel (and in fact the entire world), they present their gifts to this presentation of God's love.

This travel that the astronomer's take come from a deep conviction to see their Savior! Imagine: the Messiah! The One that all the prophets said would free Israel would be showing up soon! What elation, what enormous emotion must be running through these men's veins! So they leave behind their homes, their families, their comfort, to travel a huge distance (without a car!) to find this Savior. If we heard that Jesus was showing up, say in Minnesota, would we want to go see Him? hehs, okay, hard to imagine..but to what distance would we travel to see where God is showing up? It would be great, if we could go whatever distance to see God showing up! to have that kind of excitement and "wow!"ness.

So say we did travel that distance..read that book, speak to that person, take that stand, basically take that extra mile...after we do that, we should be giving all our praise to this God who can do all things. yay.

And speaking of the chorus.. why should the KING of kings, the LORD of lords, the CREATOR of all creation step down in such a dramatic way, manifesting Himself in the weakest and most vulnerable form? His love is something I will never understand...to send His son to save us through His son's death. (wow.) He really does deserve everything. What an awesome God we have.

1 comment:

Stepheee said...

if there was a like button like on facebook, i would click it...hehe