Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Heart Will Fly

Just a quick amendment... i believe the line is supposed to be "...why write the script" (w/o the "I"). But yeahs, this is "My Heart Will Fly" ~Mercy Me

haven't really been posting on this blog for a while. this is a nice song that I really think is good, especially for us who can't always figure out why certain things are happening in our lives.

"Why this happened I cannot explain...
why write the script with such heartache and pain
could there not have been an easier way?"

Beyond all the confusion and pain that this life brings, there is a great reassurance that it will all end, and that in that end we'll understand why all of those things happen. When we finally see God face to face, all of our momentary troubles will fade away...and it's something I'm looking forward to and keeping my focus on. All the things I go through, though I go through it now, I am promised will all be worth it when I finally see our Savior, God..

("Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.")

In 1 Corinthians 13:12, Paul hits on a point that here on earth, we're looking at life through faded glass...things are not clear and things don't make sense. But he reminds us of that day, when we'll finally see things clearly, and just as God knows us inside and out, we'll know Him and we'll understand why He took us through all the things we went through.

"And what appaears as still completely Yours
and one day we'll see as we've been seen
and we'll soar"

1 comment:

Neilson Chan said...

I like the message of this song.