Saturday, August 14, 2010

Faith in God that I am a Change in the Making

So, Michelle, Mayen and Neilson has finally left my house! Took forever! :P I don't know how to do this really, if I do anything wrong, say anything wrong; if I have a misconception about anything, TELL ME!! Please! Do!

Anyways, lately, I have been really frustrated with myself. I keep asking: why can't I be a better person? Why can't I be humbler, more patient, more GENUINE, less hypocritical, less selfish, less lazy, less cynical? I keep finding faults in myself, and if I'm not finding faults in myself, I'm setting expectations that require a long period of time to reach. And, I know what things to say to myself to comfort me, rather, I know what things OTHER people would say to comfort me. Yet, somehow, although my brain can take my advice in, my heart, my soul can't. It's frustrating!
To make matters worse, I have this really, really, really bad habit of always being unsatisfied. When I reach an expectation, I make an even higher expectation to reach. So, that kind of adds to the frustration level.

I really like this song because, first of all, hehe, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in these frustrations. I know, I know so self-conceited and spoiled to realize that there are not only other people who share my upsets, but a God, Jesus, :D.

But this song also calls me to have more faith in God, in his GREAT power. I've been so caught up with me, trying so hard to better myself, that I've forgotten how great our God is. "From the dawn of history/you made new and you redeem/from a broken world to a broken heart/you finish what you start in everything" Our God can do ANYTHING, and everything he does is perfect; from the beginning to the end of every work he takes on, he's there; what can he not do?


I need to listen to Him, have faith in what He tells me to do, what He is capable of. I need to have faith that I am a "change in the making"; "I'm not who I'm gonna be", but who he wants me to be, which is the perfect way for me to be. I need to have faith that with "every step that I'm taking," he's "chipping away what I don't need." For, "this is me under pride being broken," and with "everyday, I'm closer to who I'm meant to be" because "I'm a change in the making.

Also, please ignore the second time the song is posted. I don't know how to delete it! ....


Unknown said...
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michelle said...

haha yay your first post!

I love your post. I especially like this line from the song: "chipping away what I don't need." It's really comforting to know that God is not done with us. Your song reminds me of my favorite bible verse... 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." I don't know if it really relates, but it's nice to know that we are constantly growing. Annie, you're not alone in this. I am sure we all have felt the same thing numerous of times. There's hope because God has a plan for us. I can't wait to look back and see how much I have changed. It's kind of a good thing to hear that you're're not happy and you want to change. It's not necessarily a bad thing to have high standards, but can be self-destructive xP. God does want us to improve and that can't be done without standards. Catch my drift?

Thanks for the post, Annie! =]

Unknown said...

yes, there is hope in every person. It's hard to find that balance.

I'm impatient. I want to be better, now. I'm so near-sighted. Get the pun? Thank goodness we have God who is far-sighted, for though we may be near-sighted, we have someone far-sighted whom we can trust is always on our side. He knows everything, and best of all he's planned everything.

Pray that I'll trust in God and take one step at a time.

Tim Young said...

Hi Annie!! So glad for your post :]

Definitely, ditto Michelle; knowing that you're not alone in this struggle is a great encouragement. I love that part you mentioned, that from the dawn of history, You make new, and You redeem, from the broken heart to the broken world, You finish what You start. It makes me smile to know that God won't give up on me; and that if He can finish everything else He started, He'll definitely finish me =].

For me, this song so much reminds me of God's grace. Not only for myself, but also for others. It reminds me (both when I feel strong and weak) that I'm still "under construction", and God is still in the process of making me more like Jesus =]. When I remember that I'M not through yet, it allows me to give grace to others, and gives me a bit more patience.

Yay for this song! Thanks again Annie!