Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Broken = Beautiful


some of you know this song! I LOVE THIS SONG! i've wanted to share it with fellowship but didnt have a chance to....
i love how when things make you cry, when you are in pain, when something really HURTS YOU, it is still beautiful to God. because just like how a pearl is form ( some of you maybe read this already) it is formed out of pain from the oyster! the little tiny rough SHARP piece of sand discomforts the oyster so much that the oyster need to relieve itself from pain. so layers and layers of pearl made stuff is formed over the little sand and becomes something very very unique and pretty! random fact: no two pearls are the same. Just as there are no two same of YOU! that includes no other person is the same as ME! i am UNIQUELY created and i stand out. Yep~!
and it doesn't matter if you are going through pain, well it kinda does but given redemption to cover your sins is so much bigger than how you feel! Salvation should be big enough that you look past the pain and embrace Love. Love=God
man i can go on and on and on with this song....but i shall end here for now....heheh

1 comment:

Tim Young said...

heh, i remember that time when our fellowship was REALLY into that song! but really, i think it's really awesome that you take what we learned in the HIM conference AND your job and apply it. it's really awesome. thanks for the great reminder :]