Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am for you

I am for you ~ waking ashland

I remember listening to this song when I was in my early high school years. Not sure if this band is a christian band, but they come from a christian i think that they are christians xD. It's cool because back then, I only liked this song because it sounded pretty. Now listening to this song again a couple of years later, I can see God.

This song gets me thinking about how many people believe that God is against them. How they are struggling so much and think that God must really hate them. Of course, as Christians, we know that is not true.

In my opinion, the lyrics are amazing. For example, "Right and wrong is black and white
The illusions of this world And there is hope again."I don't know how you interpret it, but I interpret it as life is not just black and white. There's so much more to that. God is complex. I don't think that He would make life that simple. It is an illusion to view this world as only black and white. Life doesn't make sense. There will be unanswered questions, struggles that we don't understand, happiness that can't be described in words....and etc; In all that God can be found, there is hope. If life was easy, then we wouldn't need God to help explain it or live through it.

"The comfort we create to prove were something .But we're starving." We have our comfort zone. Day by day we build up this comfort zone. We build and build, but where will it lead us? We are comfortable, but is that enough? Are we satisfied, are we even happy? haha....whoah i typed out all those questions and I look down at the lyrics and this line follows: "Screaming in the night cause you want answers." I must've been thinking the same thing as waking ashland when they were thinking of those lyrics. =]

Life makes no sense. Our comfort is not enough. I can understand why people would think that God is against them. Knowing about God's love and who He is makes me understand why He does those things. I can justify what seems as negative things by finding God's love in those situations. ".... If God is for us, who can be against us? romans 8:31"

Something’s very wrong here
Your heart has frozen over
and something’s very strange here
You've lost all desire

The comfort we create to prove were something
But we're starving
Screaming in the night cause you want answers
From the one
And there is hope again

Don't give up your not thinking
Don't give up just keep seeking
And I, I am for you
And I, I will love you
And I, I am for you
And I, I will save you

Come and take my face or forever I will walk alone
And all the same mistakes
Cause I know you, I deny you
Days go by and choices still remain forever
Right and wrong is black and white
The illusions of this world
And there is hope again

I send my self to you
Yes always and always
I send my love to you

You found today, found today, you found today, saw today

1 comment:

Tim Young said...

I really like this song, thank you for sharing it :]. I love the chorus, which reminds us that God is for us... and if God is for us, who can be against us, right? ;]. Comfort...what is comfort, really? This life that we're given is not meant to be all about comfort, because (as you and I have kinda been finding out,) it's the discomfort in our lives that bring us running to God for comfort. In 2 Corinthians 1, Paul talks about our God being the "God of all comfort". This awweesomme God that sent Himself to us, sent His love to us... "For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows." (2 Cor 1:5). But yeahs if any of you reading this has some time, take a look at 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 for more about our awesome God of comfort :].

Thank you michelle for sharing this song!