Friday, December 17, 2010

"if I were God..."

Money and Power: Oscar Muriu from Urbana 09 on Vimeo.

Hey guys :]. this is a video of a message from that I think gives a very powerful perspective of the birth of Christ, and the specific ways God humbled himself by His becoming a baby and a human.

The speaker, Oscar Muriu, talks about the incredible measures God voluntarily takes to humble himself to save us. It's kind of crazy actually, when I think about it...why would God choose this way to save us?? Still trying to wrap my head around it..

Anyways, take a look to at least the first 4 1/2 minutes, because that itself gives an interesting perspective on how God intentionally chose to come in such a vulnerable way. (I have a feeling though, if you listen to it that far, you might not stop 'til the entire way through x]) The entire video is relateable to how we view Jesus's birth, so yeahs. Hope you're blessed by it :]

1 comment:

michelle said...

man...i wish i went to Urbana =] Praise God for Urbana...I am sure it was an eye-opening experience for those who went

It's funny to hear what we would've done if we were God. Well, it's more like what the speaker would've done, but I am pretty sure we would have the same similar idea. God has taught me a lot during this couple of days leading up to Christmas. Lately I've been going through Romans and it talked about how Jesus bore the image of sinful man. We were the ones who should have been crucified, not Him. Jesus had to come down as a fragile and weak human to grow up to this man who would bear all of our sin. He wore the face of all humanity. I also started going through the four gospels and started reading the early life of Christ. One thing that caught my attention was the fact that after Christ was born, the angel told Joseph to go to Egypt and hide. It really shows how dependent and helpless Christ was as a baby. He needed protection from others in order to survive. What kind of God is this? Haha it's our God and I am sure we wouldn't have it any other way =]

Thanks for sharing! Have a merry Christmas xD