Monday, December 6, 2010

The Night Before Christmas

"The Night Before Christmas"
~ Brandon Heath

hahaha, for those of you who were thinking about Jack Skelington, sorry, not that Night(mare) before Christmas xD

I just wanted to share this song, as that time of year is coming up again when God's people celebrate radical coming to Earth :]. There are SO many reasons why Christmas is more than just a time to be happy and a time to celebrate a birthday. Sometimes I do wonder, why do we care to celebrate Jesus's birth, when the most of what we focus on in church is His ministry in his 30's, his death and resurrection? I think it's really easy to overlook the amazingness of Jesus's coming, and this song reminds me so much of the greatness of "The Word becoming flesh."

Isn't Jesus's birth so much like how He enters us? In our world of wretchedness, meaningless, and chaos, God steps into OUR context with the plan to show us love and save us from ourselves. And like, DUDE, there's SO much more to Christmas that God wove together so amazingly (like the star! anybody else notice the connection between the star (the brightest in the dark night sky) and Jesus? :]). sigh. so cool xD

Yeah...I'm really hoping that this Christmas, I won't just let it slip by again without recognizing Him through it all :]. Anyways, looking forward to celebrating our Savior's coming with ya'll :D! Praise God!

1 comment:

michelle said...


This is such a beautiful song. It made me realize how bleak this world would've been if Christ wasn't born. The first verse really captures me...

Empty manger, perfect stranger, about to be born
Into darkness, sadness, desperate madness, creation so torn
We were so lost on earth, no peace, no worth, no way to escape
In fear, no faith, no hope, no grace, and no light
But that was the night before Christmas

"no peace, no worth, no way to escape..." Heath just lists out all the things that wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for God sending His son down to us.It makes you want to cry if you really think about it. It's absolutely crazy! I'm in love with this song now. Thanks Tim for sharing!

haha oh took me a while to understand what you meant by the star in the dark i get it =D