Sunday, February 1, 2009

When I Go Down

When I Go Down ~Relient K

"Peace can search me out and find
that i'm SO ready to be found"
"..oh God i love You.."

this song is one of only a few songs that really describe the jumble that goes on in my head. shoot, i really can't control any of my emotions xD. if you talk to me frequently enough, you will find that i am a pretty complicated young man. one moment i'll be really happy, the next i'll be sad and self-pitiful (emphasis on "pitiful"). what is more, i tend to completely overanalyze things..relationships, school, life. but all this time, i really don't have that many external stresses, but all of it is internal and going on in my head. something i kinda wish i could've controlled. so "when i go down", i overthink it...and "i go down hard". but "if only i had fought them..." haha, one person who shall not be named said maybe i'm PMSing, though i'm a guy x]..

really though, it's so easy to forget how very temporary our emotions are. and how God, despite anything and everything we feel, has NOT changed. plus, God has given us so much more than we could ever wish for. heh, so what am i to do? i'm to praise God when i'm happy, praise God when i'm sad, thank God that everything i go through is already written by His awesome hand.

please pray that i'll trust God with all this stuff that's going through my head. and to rid of any unnecessary overanalyzing. thanks =]
sorry for the long post x].. you're awesome for reading it all the way through!

1 comment:

Neilson Chan said...

Yes, I'll continue to pray for you.