Sunday, March 22, 2009

Re: Jeremy (or "Hero")

This is a song-response to compliment Neilson's post "Jeremy".
The song is titled "Hero" by Superchick

This is basically a comment in post form x].. Like Neilson pointed out, I think we can all think of someone at our school who just doesn't receieve any friendship, any love, any mercy at all. They are the outcasts-- the ostracized at our schools. I can think of one in my class as well. He doesn't seem to know how to socialize in a way that doesn't make him seem weird. I am one of his only acquaintances who can talk to him.

As Christians, aren't we called to be the ones to love on these people? In our high school fellowship, we've seemed to be doing an exhaustive study on "relationships" and "love". How is love? WHAT is love? (*starts bobbing head to side of neck xD..*) Well, 1 Corinthians 13 has that spelled out for us and how we can demonstrate love for these people. I know God didn't just come down to rescue specifically those who have it all together, or those who aren't socially unacceptable. So the commandment is there: love your neighbor as yourself; but as Christians, how well do we fare in following through with this? I think that this is the real test of high school Christians: stepping out to do what nobody else would for the sake of an unbelievable Love.

I love the bridge of this song... it poses the question: Am I one of these people who just walk by? I don't want to be...God please give us the strength to love these people we know You died for when it seems nobody else would. "Lets WAKE UP, change the world, our time is NOW"

1 comment:

michelle said...

XD should i put this? Well, I will start out by saying how I have been really drawn to the posts just lately. Like for some reason you guys (Abi, Neilson, you....etc) are connecting the songs to different people that occasionally slip people's minds. It is cool how in a way we can look at all the different kind of people that God has put on this planet Earth. We should take into consideration of these people too because they are just like us if you think about it.Anyways, yeah just thank you for sharing how you guys are thinking about others and that they are receiving love either directly or indirectly. It brings me hope to know that despite our doesn't judge. but now that i think about it..... does love judge? hmmm.....ok i don't want to jump into a ramble about that subject

but yeah...thanks again =D