Saturday, January 9, 2010


So, a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across the band, Chris & Conrad, courtesy of Katarina =P... anyways, so I was listening to this song, and it was so nice to hear. It reminds me that when all is lost, when all fades away, we will always have this love, this security, this God.
I'm sure we all go through tough times, and we all stumble sometimes. But when we fall, he always comes to our rescue. We all have times when we feel alone, but we're really not. We feel isolated, but we're really surrounded. We're wrapped up in God's love, so much that we can barely move. It reminds me of those cold winter days... God is our thickest blanket, and he keeps us warm, even when the weather tries to break us, when the winds try to plow us over, when the rain tries to drown us. He's the shelter through the storm.
I particularly love the chorus, bridge, and coda. I believe that it really relates to us highschoolers, collegers, etc. I've had my ups and downs when I've felt like no one cared, when no one wanted me, when everyone seemed to be walking the other way down a crowded street. But every time I feel like I'm lost, and like no one wants me, this song reminds me that even during these times, all I have to do is look to God. He just wants to wrap his loving arms around me, arms that are far bigger, far better, far warmer,far more secure than any arms I could search for on this earth. In addition, his arms are always open for me to run to. They're unconditional. So, if they're so great and so available, why should I ever run away? Why should I ever fret? Why should I ever fear? What more could I ever want? He comes to our rescue... every time...

When no one could find me
and everyone else had already moved on
You kept on reaching out
You never gave up on me even when hope was gone

You've got me falling
More in love with you
You've got me wrapped up
I can barely even move

You came to my rescue
So I could make it home...


Tim Young said...

Thank you for this awesome reminder, Abi, of God's amazing love for us.. even when nobody else wants us, God wants us. Even with our screw-ups and stains, God wants us(?!). What kind of love is this?!? "When everyone else had already moved on.." Why isn't God like everyone else and just leave me in my wretchedness, my self-defeat, myself..? I'm not sure. It doesn't make sense, but I'm so glad though. This knowledge will help me get through a lot. Thanks Ab. =]

michelle said...

I like this song a lot. This is actually not my first time listening to this two man band. xD

This song speaks a lot to me.I like your comment because I can relate to how you feel. A lot of times I feel lonely because I feel jealousy towards people's relationship with other people. One thing I do realize now is that I am not jealous of people's relationship with God. I don't want other people's relationship with God because I have my own xD. I never realized it until now that my relationship with God brings me a lot of joy. His love for me is different from everybody else. It's simply unique. Words can't even express how grateful I am for this bond I have with Him.

Thank you Abi for sharing your song. It's a beautiful song =)