Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Do I Know Of Holy?

So, this song is courtesy of Annie. When I heard it, i fell in love. At the same time, it's convicting. The second verse hits home. All too often, we talk the talk without walking the walk. "I knew all the stories and learned to talk of how You were mighty to save. Those were only empty words on a page." But honestly, these stories, and that fact are just a glimpse of the real picture... They're just a fraction of the pixel.
I was looking through some pictures recently, which I just posted on fb (;D), and it just hit me. The sunset is SO beautiful, no camera can ever capture it. But here in this picture, it's just displayed in a way that brings me awe. I'm not trying to be prideful in my picture taking, but i'm so glad that God provided this artwork for me to even view with my own eyes.
And when we think that we've got things figured out, we really don't. We are so small in this great big world. What do we really know? We think we know so much. We're put into institutions and compete for better SAT scores, but what are SATs but just mere tests. They may determine our college, but they don't determine our life. It's sad how we can just think that God's power is limited to textbooks, to tests, to earthly things.
What do we know of life? "And the God who gave life it's name"... I love that line... We don't know anything. We always say how life is hard, but God is the one who gave it it's name, who gave us life. He is amazing, and we can never comprehend his majesty at all. We think that life is all about us, that it's meant to bring us pleasure, but who is it really for? Who are you living your life for?
Yes, he is mighty to save, but lets not just say it. Lets live it...

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

1 comment:

Tim Young said...

This song is really

I really identify with the first verse. Lately, (Thank Him for it) I've been started to appreciate what it means to "Be still and know that [He] is God". Sometimes I'm so ready to hear myself, that I don't stop to listen for Him. And way too often, I limit our limitless God.. and then I miss completely the blessings He pours.

What do I know of holy? I shouldn't pretend to understand the fullness of His holiness/love/grace/forgiveness, because I don't. But I SO want to praise Him for whatever He has allowed me to understand, and also simply because He is God. mmhm.

I made you promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from heaven,
but i talk the whole time...
i think i made You too small...
i never feared
if You touched my face, would i know You?
if You looked in my eyes, could i behold You?