Saturday, December 27, 2008

Orig #2

oh MAN! this song is so awesome!!! thanks tim for sending the song!
the part where
i wonder what would life be like if you let Jesus live through you and me.....
really speaks to me, that would be a miracle if christians were to realize that they need to trust in God more, that if they let Jesus love them and God love them with the unconditional love HE has for us, we would want to do ANYTHING for Him! we would WANT to go to church ever Sunday and we would want to help those in need, we would want to include God in everything we DO because without Him, all our efforts are in vain and it amounts to zero....=]...some people take following Jesus too lightly...If only somehow, some way...for us to really take our relationship with Jesus and God more seriously, we would have a radical world where people are fired up for Jesus! my mind's all a jumble...lots more of what I'm thinking but anyways, thats what I'm getting from this song...hehehe

yess i just looove how we all interpret it our own way and let the words speak to us in our own unique way yet it is the same words we all hear and listen to....

so i was thinking of a song to share and i dunno if you know this song but its called Don't Get Comfortable by Brandon Heath....

i love we always....ALWAYS want to stay in our comfort zone, we think we know what God wants us to do, we settle for less than what God has for us!

and the part where it goes "You were looking for a sign all this time, you'll find me everytime..."
we are constantly asking God for signs if something is His will, even after He does gives us a sign, we continue to ask for reconfirming signs, its sign is ENOUGH, what are we waiting for! God told us, take the risk and go do it! Faith comes with risks....
yups that's my share for NOW....hehehe

see you all 2m!

- Stephy

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